IT Contractor Mortgages

Looking to secure a mortgage as an IT contractor? Understanding the unique requirements and options available to contractors is essential for a successful home purchase. Unlike traditional mortgages, contractor mortgages are tailored specifically for individuals working on a contract basis, considering factors such as contract rates and current contract details.

Benefits of Using MortgageTek as your Mortgage Advisor

We have access to Lenders Who Understand the Needs of IT Contractors. It can be challenging to find lenders who genuinely understand your unique circumstances. That’s where a specialist mortgage broker comes in. By partnering with a broker experienced in working with contractors, you gain access to an extensive network of lenders familiar with IT professionals’ specific needs and income structures.

  • A specialist mortgage broker has established relationships with lenders specialising in providing mortgages to IT contractors.
  • When assessing affordability, these lenders understand the nature of contract work and consider factors such as day rates, contract length, and future contract prospects.
  • This means you have a better chance of finding a lender to consider your income from contracts rather than relying solely on traditional employment criteria.

Expert Guidance on Navigating Complex Mortgage Processes

Navigating the mortgage process can be overwhelming, especially for first-time buyers or those unfamiliar with the intricacies involved. A specialist mortgage broker can provide invaluable guidance throughout every step of the process.

  • They will help you understand the documentation required for your application, ensuring that all necessary paperwork is completed accurately and promptly.
  • They will explain complex terms and conditions associated with contractor mortgages so that you fully comprehend what you’re getting into.
  • With their expertise, they can anticipate potential hurdles or challenges during underwriting and guide you on how best to overcome them.

Assistance in Finding the Best Mortgage Deals Tailored to IT Contractor Circumstances

One of the primary benefits of working with a specialist mortgage broker is their ability to help you find mortgage deals tailored explicitly for contractors.

  • They have an in-depth knowledge of the market and know lenders offering competitive rates for contractor mortgages.

  • By leveraging their connections within the industry, they can negotiate on your behalf to secure favourable terms such as lower interest rates or reduced fees.
  • They will consider your unique circumstances, such as contract length and income fluctuations, to find a mortgage deal that aligns with your needs.

Time-Saving and Stress-Reducing Support Throughout the Application Process

Applying for a mortgage can be time-consuming and stressful. However, by working with a specialist mortgage broker, you can save both time and stress.

  • MorgageTek will handle the majority of the paperwork and liaise directly with lenders on your behalf.
  • We will keep you updated on the progress of your application, ensuring that everything is moving forward smoothly.
  • This support saves you valuable time and reduces the anxiety of navigating the complex mortgage application process alone.

Understanding Borrowing Capacity for Contractors

As an IT contractor, you may be wondering about your borrowing capacity. Several factors can affect how much you can borrow, and it’s essential to understand these to plan your finances effectively.

Factors Affecting Borrowing Capacity

When lenders assess the affordability of a mortgage for IT contractors, they take into account various factors:

  1. Income Assessment: An accurate assessment of your income is crucial. Lenders will typically require evidence of your earnings through business accounts or full business accounts if you operate as a limited company. This allows them to determine your average income over a specific period.
  2. Contract Length and Stability: The length and stability of your contracts play a significant role in determining your borrowing potential. Lenders prefer longer-term contracts with stable income streams, as this provides reassurance regarding repayment capacity.
  3. Day Rate: Your day rate also affects the amount you can borrow. A higher day rate generally indicates a higher earning potential, which can positively impact your borrowing capacity.
  4. Umbrella Company vs Limited Company: Lenders may have different criteria for assessing your income and borrowing capacity if you work through an umbrella company rather than a limited company.

Maximising Borrowing Capacity

To maximise your borrowing capacity as an IT contractor, consider the following tips:

  1. Effective Financial Planning: Proper financial planning is key to demonstrating stability and managing your finances efficiently. Keep track of all business expenses and maintain accurate records of contract income.
  2. Build Up Savings: Having savings demonstrates financial responsibility and can increase lending institutions’ confidence when considering your mortgage application.
  3. Minimise Outstanding Debt: Reducing any outstanding debts before applying for a mortgage can improve your chances of securing favourable lending terms.
  4. Maintain Good Credit Score: A good credit score is essential for obtaining competitive mortgage rates. Make sure to pay bills and debts on time and avoid excessive credit utilisation.
  5. Seek Specialist Advice: Working with a specialist mortgage broker who understands the unique needs of IT contractors can be invaluable. They have experience navigating the complexities of contractor mortgages and can help you find lenders who are more likely to offer favorable terms.

Remember, every lender has different criteria, so it’s important to research and compare options before making a decision. By understanding the factors that affect your borrowing capacity as an IT contractor and implementing effective financial planning strategies, you can increase your chances of securing a suitable mortgage that meets your needs.

Types of IT Contractor Mortgages and Their Features

There are several types of mortgages available with different features. Let’s take a closer look at these options and understand their advantages and disadvantages.

Fixed-Rate Mortgages

A fixed-rate mortgage is a type of mortgage where the interest rate remains the same for a set period, usually between two to five years. This means that your monthly repayments will remain unchanged during this period, providing stability and predictability to your budget.


  • Predictable monthly repayments make it easier to plan your finances.
  • Protection against interest rate rises during the fixed term.


  • If interest rates drop during the fixed term, you won’t benefit from lower payments.
  • Early repayment charges may apply if you want to pay off the mortgage before the end of the fixed term.

Variable-Rate Mortgages

In contrast to fixed-rate mortgages, variable-rate mortgages have an interest rate that can fluctuate over time. The rate is usually linked to the Bank of England base rate or another benchmark rate. As a result, your monthly repayments may go up or down depending on changes in interest rates.


  • If interest rates decrease, your monthly payments will also decrease.
  • Flexibility in terms of early repayment options without significant penalties.


  • Monthly repayments can increase if interest rates rise.
  • Less predictable than fixed-rate mortgages, making budgeting more challenging.

Offset Mortgages

An offset mortgage allows you to link your savings or current account with your mortgage. The amount held in these accounts is taken into consideration when calculating the interest payable on your mortgage. By offsetting your savings against your outstanding balance, you can reduce the amount of interest charged on your loan.


  • Potential for significant savings on overall interest paid over the life of the mortgage.
  • Flexibility to access your savings when needed.


  • Offset mortgages may have higher interest rates compared to other types of mortgages.
  • Limited availability and fewer options in the market.

Specialized IT Contractor Mortgages

In addition to the standard mortgage products, there are specialized mortgages designed specifically for IT contractors. These include professional contractor mortgages and umbrella company mortgages.

Professional contractor mortgages are tailored for contractors who work on a contract basis. They take into account the unique income structure of contractors, often considering day rates or contract length rather than traditional employment income.

Umbrella company mortgages cater to contractors who work through an umbrella company. Lenders consider the contractor’s salary paid by the umbrella company as their income for mortgage affordability assessments.

These specialized products aim to provide more flexibility and better mortgage options for IT contractors, taking into account their specific financial circumstances.

Top Tips for a Successful Mortgage Application

Maintaining a Good Credit Score Before Applying

Maintaining a good credit score is one of the most crucial factors in securing a successful mortgage application. Lenders and building societies use your credit score to assess your financial reliability and determine your eligibility for a mortgage. To improve your chances of approval, it’s important to pay bills on time, avoid excessive debt, and regularly check your credit report for errors or discrepancies.

Gathering Necessary Documentation in Advance

To streamline the mortgage application process, it’s essential to gather all the necessary documentation in advance. This includes proof of identity, proof of address, bank statements, and tax returns. By having these documents readily available, you can provide them promptly when required by the lender or underwriter. Organizing your paperwork beforehand shows that you are prepared and serious about the application.

Demonstrating Stable Income Through Contracts or Accounts

When applying for an IT contractor mortgage, demonstrating stable income is vital. Lenders want assurance that you have a consistent source of income to repay the loan. As an IT contractor, you can showcase this stability through contracts with reputable clients or by providing accounts that reflect regular payments from different sources. Having evidence of steady income will strengthen your case during the underwriting process.

Seeking Expert Advice to Increase Chances of Approval

Navigating the complex world of mortgages can be overwhelming, especially as an IT contractor. To increase your chances of approval and secure the best deal possible, seeking expert advice is highly recommended. Mortgage brokers specializing in contractor mortgages understand the unique challenges self-employed individuals face and can guide you through the application process. They have access to niche products specifically designed for contractors and can help find suitable lenders offering competitive rates.

By working with a knowledgeable professional who understands your circumstances, you’ll receive tailored advice based on your specific needs and financial situation.

Remember:Preparation is key. Maintaining a good credit score, gathering necessary documentation in advance, demonstrating stable income, and seeking expert advice are all essential steps to increase your chances of approval and secure the best mortgage deal possible. Take the time to ensure you’re fully prepared before embarking on the application process.

MortgageTek a Specialist Mortgage for Contractors

To secure a mortgage as an IT contractor, it’s crucial to find a specialist mortgage broker who understands the unique needs and challenges faced by independent professionals. Here are some key considerations when searching for the right broker:

Researching brokers with experience in securing mortgages for IT contractors

Start by researching mortgage brokers who have specific expertise in working with contractors. Look for brokers who have successfully helped IT contractors secure mortgages in the past. This experience is essential as it demonstrates their understanding of the intricacies involved in contractor applications.

Checking broker credentials, testimonials, and industry affiliations

Before choosing a mortgage broker, take the time to check their credentials and professional affiliations. Look for qualifications such as CeMAP (Certificate in Mortgage Advice and Practice) or similar certifications. Read testimonials or reviews from previous clients to get an idea of their track record and customer satisfaction levels.

Evaluating their knowledge about specific lender criteria for contractor applications

One of the most critical aspects of finding a specialist mortgage broker is ensuring they have extensive knowledge about lender criteria specifically tailored to contractor applications. They should be familiar with which lenders are more open to working with contractors and understand the documentation requirements that may differ from those of traditional employees.

Assessing communication skills and responsiveness when selecting a broker

Effective communication is vital throughout the mortgage application process, so it’s important to assess a potential broker’s communication skills. Are they responsive to your inquiries? Do they explain complex terms clearly? A good mortgage broker will keep you informed every step of the way and ensure that you understand all aspects of your application.

When working with an independent professional like yourself, having a knowledgeable and communicative mortgage broker can make all the difference in navigating through various lender options effectively.

Remember that not all high street lenders may be suitable for contractor mortgages due to their strict lending criteria geared towards traditional employment situations. A specialist contractor mortgage broker can help you explore a wider range of lenders who understand the unique circumstances of contractors.

Keep in mind that as a sole trader or independent professional, your trading accounts may differ from those of salaried employees. A specialist mortgage broker will be well-versed in understanding these complexities and can guide you through the process accordingly.

Mortgage Deposit Requirements and Document Checklist

To secure a mortgage as an IT contractor, it’s essential to understand the minimum deposit requirements set by lenders. These requirements can vary depending on various factors such as the lender’s criteria, the amount you want to borrow, and your financial circumstances.

Understanding Minimum Deposit Requirements Set by Lenders

Lenders typically require a deposit when you apply for a mortgage. The deposit is a percentage of the property’s value that you need to pay upfront. The exact amount required can vary between lenders, but it is generally around 5-20% of the property price.


  • A higher deposit can lead to better mortgage deals with lower interest rates.
  • It demonstrates financial stability and reduces the lender’s risk.


  • Saving for a larger deposit may take longer.
  • Limited options if you have a smaller deposit.

Exploring Options like Help-to-Buy Schemes or Shared Ownership

If saving for a large deposit seems daunting, there are alternative options available. One such option is the Help-to-Buy scheme, which assists first-time buyers in purchasing a property with just a 5% deposit. This government-backed scheme provides an equity loan that covers part of the property price, making it easier to meet the required deposit amount.


  • Lower initial deposit requirement.
  • Accessible to first-time buyers.


  • Limited to specific new-build properties.
  • Repayment terms may involve additional costs in the future.

Shared ownership is another option worth considering. This allows you to purchase a share of the property (usually between 25%-75%) while paying rent on the remaining portion. Over time, you can gradually increase your share until you eventually own the property outright.


  • Lower upfront costs compared to buying outright.
  • Opportunity to increase ownership over time.


  • Limited availability of shared ownership properties.
  • Potential restrictions on selling or renting out your share.

Preparing Necessary Documents

When applying for a mortgage, you’ll need to provide certain documents to prove your identity, income, and financial stability. It’s crucial to have these documents organized and up to date before starting the application process.

Some essential documents you may need include:

  • Proof of identification (e.g., passport or driving license).
  • Bank statements for the past three to six months.
  • Tax returns or self-assessment forms for the past two to three years.
  • Proof of income (e.g., payslips or contracts) if you’re an IT contractor.

Ensure that all your paperwork is accurate, complete, and up to date. This will help streamline the mortgage application process and increase your chances of approval.

Key Takeaways on IT Contractor Mortgages

In conclusion, securing a mortgage as an IT contractor may seem daunting at first, but with the help of a specialist mortgage broker such as MortgageTek, you can navigate the process smoothly. By understanding your borrowing capacity and exploring the different types of mortgages available to contractors, you can make informed decisions that suit your financial goals. Remember to gather all necessary documents and meet the deposit requirements to increase your chances of a successful mortgage application.

To ensure a seamless experience, find a reputable specialist mortgage broker who understands the unique needs of IT contractors. They can guide you through the entire process and provide expert advice tailored to your situation. Don’t hesitate to reach out and start discussing your options today.


Can I get a mortgage as an IT contractor with a limited credit history?

Yes, it is possible to secure a mortgage as an IT contractor even if you have limited credit history. MortgageTek works with lenders who consider other factors such as contract length, income stability, future earning potential, and credit history.

What is the minimum deposit required for an IT contractor mortgage?

The minimum deposit requirement for an IT contractor mortgage typically ranges from 5% to 20% of the property’s value. However, having a larger deposit can improve your chances of getting approved for a mortgage and may result in more favourable interest rates.

Will being on short-term contracts affect my ability to get a mortgage?

Being on short-term contracts does not necessarily hinder your ability to get a mortgage. Lenders will assess factors such as your income stability, contract renewal prospects, and industry demand when considering your application. A specialist mortgage broker can help identify lenders who are more accommodating towards contractors on short-term contracts.

Can I use my daily rate as proof of income for a mortgage application?

Yes, many lenders accept daily rates as proof of income for IT contractors. However, they may require additional documentation, such as contracts or bank statements, to verify your income stability and earning potential.

How long does the mortgage application process take for IT contractors?

The mortgage application process can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of your financial situation and the lender’s efficiency. On average, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of months. Working with a specialist mortgage broker can help expedite the process and ensure all necessary documentation is in order.